Sunday, September 17 through Sunday, September 24, 2023, was a week that I will never forget.
In just 7 days, God, miraculously, through a series of events and circumstances, brought a deep, supernatural level of healing and clarity that I was not expecting.
I’m so thankful.
Here’s what transpired…
Sunday, September 17
The Movement Church’s 10-Year Anniversary
Reconnected with dear friends of the original “Core Team” that planted the church with Rebekah and I.
Recounted God faithfulness.
Reemphasized the importance of faith, from Hebrews 11, as The Movement Church enters into its’ next 10 years as a church.
Monday, September 18
“For the One Fast” Prayer Gathering
Led the third and final Monday night prayer gathering at Resonate Fremont.
Experienced a palpable sense of God’s presence and the people’s humility as we sought the Lord together.
Tuesday, September 19
Big Decision was Made
I can’t fully go public with what this decision was until October 15, but what I can say is that this is an “Only God” story that I can’t wait to tell!
Thursday, September 21
“Explore God” Part 1 - 1st Service
Preached the first message in a teaching series Resonate Church is doing alongside 100+ churches in the Bay Area!
Friday, September 22
“For the One” Night of Prayer and Worship
Culminated 19 days of fasting and prayer with a night of prayer and worship.
Facilitated, alongside an incredible team and my pastor, Ryan Kwon, an unforgettable time of exalting and petitioning our Heavenly Father!
Experienced an unspeakable level of joy, hope, and anticipation for what I get to be a part of at Resonate Church. (Click the video above to watch the replay. You had to be in the room to get the true experience, but the video will give you a taste!)
Sunday, September 24
“Explore God” Part 1 - 2nd and 3rd Service
Privileged to end an incredible week of ministry preaching God’s Word!
So What?!
To the human eye, this could just look like a busy week of ministry! What’s the big deal? What did God reveal to me through these opportunities to be a part of His Kingdom activity? How did God restore me? What did God clarify?
By experiencing being used by God in these different ways throughout the week, I sensed these very clear, healing words from the Lord…
The purpose of your pain wasn’t to harm you, it was to purify and prepare you. Before I could do a new thing, you needed to be sanctified of the old you.
Through the events of that week, God reaffirmed His love for me and His unfinished purposes for my life.
I now see it so clearly.
God allowed me to experience loss, confusion, disorientation, disappointment, humiliation, and heartache, during this last year…
So that I could be humbled.
So that I could be purified.
So that I could be transformed.
Because a new season was His plan, the old me had to go!
Reflection Question
What of the “old you” has to be dealt with and dismantled so God can do the “new thing” He intends to do?
I’m encouraged and excited for you brother. God is moving!